How to Get a Loan Quickly when in an Emergency

emergency loansIt is known that every year, over twenty million Americans take direct lender loans including over 10 million payday loan takers. Multiple surveys in the recent past have revealed that approximately 40% Americans depend on loans to tackle financial emergencies. However, what’s alarming is that too many of them are being left disappointed as they get their much needed emergency funds too late for it to be useful enough. Let’s take a look why so we could help you understand how you could ensure that your emergency loan gets deposited to our account well in time to serve you adequately. We shall keep it short and simple so that if you’re reading this while in a situation of an emergency financial need, you could finish going through it completely without investing much time here.

What Makes Loan Lending a Lengthy Process

Loans are available from different kinds of entities and they each follow a process that suits their requirements. Typically, personal loans are available formally through bank and non-bank direct lending. There are also credit card loans but those too, shall fall in one of these categories. Bank loans tend to have lengthier processes and more stringent requirements while non-bank direct lender loans would have shorter processes and sometimes very minimal requirements.

In both cases, these are essentially the steps that take up most of the time that it takes to process a loan:

  • Application process
  • Verification of submitted details and documents
  • Credit history inquiry (can be skipped by direct lenders for shorter term loans)
  • Financial health assessment
  • Loan approval (can have multiple stages when dealing with larger lenders like banks)
  • Mutual agreement of the offer
  • Loan deposit

Each stage here takes time and depending on the entity you deal with plus the time of the day, day of the week, and few other factors, the time taken for each step might vary significantly. So to get a loan quickly during an emergency, there are three things you need to work on and we shall discuss them now.

How to Get Your Loan Quickly

When you’re in need of a loan in an emergency situation, there are three broad things you can work on, to ensure you get it as quick as possible:

  1. Choose the right type of loan from the right lender: If your emergency simply does not allow much time, a bank loan is one that you are likely to avoid. Most bank loans would take a week or more for approval and deposit. Credit card loans from banks can be faster. Do be informed that the interest charged on credit card loans is compounded.

The other fast option – and the more used one – is a direct lender loan. People tend to opt for online direct lender loans as it’s easier to find reviews and learn which direct lender is legitimate and safe to deal with. Also, online reviews do tend to indicate how fast some loan lenders are. For instance, at CashAmericaToday, our Quick Cash Loan tends to serve most borrowers within just a few hours.

  1. Keep everything needed, handy: All websites of loan lenders would state what is required to be provided while applying for a loan. For example, to apply for a loan from CashAmericaToday, you just need to provide a few details and documents including your SSN, a proof of your identity, permanent residence in the US and residence address, your salary slip/pay stub and your checking account details. Keeping these ready, makes the application faster. To ensure quick service, it is advisable to share good quality scans over phone clicked photos of the documentation.
  1. Apply at the best time possible: Data shows that the best time to apply for a loan for a quick response and same day approvals where available, is between 9am and 12:30pm. If these hours are not possible for you, trying to apply during business hours is a good idea and it an help you get your loan faster.

If you ensure that these steps are in order, you shall be doing your best and if you choose to deal with us, we shall do our best to serve you well during your time of need. If you’d like to head straight to our loan application page from here, we are sharing the link to make it easier for you.

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